last week i had a short holiday n went back to my frens hometown at was fun+tired=awesome journey. our journey started on friday nite afta i finish my work at 8pm. we start from my frens sista house around 10pm and heading straight without stoing at any r&r...a little bi7t tired for me coz baru lps abis keje then shoot pegi pahang lak...sepjg jln i psg cd coz xnak bg ngantuk nanti sian my frens drive sorang2. ouh...kiteorg g 2 kete. 1 kete me, my frens n her sista & another one car my frens sista wit her frens. i feel so happy coz dah lame sgt nak g holiday and at last dpt gak. i nyanyi je along the journey...and the best part i nyanyi lagu dangdut sampe lah dah sampe hotel...enjoy beb...kakak my frens pun lyn gak. once reach trus msk bilik then tdo. 3jam gak la perjalanan. pic odw to pahang xde la...sori...
the next day wake u early coz ade wedding to be attend...theme red. i dun hef any red baju kurung even though i like red coz my mum ckp so kg suke if i kisah kan? so i pki reddish pink top wit sarong. glamer jap a few pic to share...

its me...hehehe

me and my frens...someone

wit my frens niece...

there more pic but ckp la nie kan...
hint2 je...
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