afta the wedding i went back to the hotel and decide to go to teluk chempedak and mandi laut...yahooo! b4 that singgah jap kat east coast mall beli oopsss...secret skit then dah beli straight to teluk chempedak. sampe je trus lompat msk laut. dah tkr baju mandi dlm kete siap2...hehehehehe kete double tinted la katekan...for sure gelap n org xnampak... almost half hour mandi then take shower n clean up. tp yg x bez nye xdpt tgk sunset...xde sunset petang tue. hurmmm so sad...

afta mandi laut...

us afta taking shower...

nampak x laut blakang tue...?
i went back to kl ari ahad ptg bertolak around 3.30 and sampe around 5.30...cepat gak la. besa la perjalanan balk lg cpt dari pegi. ade la juga bw blk keropok n buah for souvenir...bez gak la even though a short holiday and really pack wit activity...but i had fun. wanting for a long holiday at the beach...
otw blk pun ade pic gak...bosan kan dlm kete x wat pape. xleh nak tdo nak tdo nanti driver bw over limit...

hehehe take pic wit driver jap...sian die kene drive

nie la jadinye bile dah bosan xtau nak wat pe dlm kete...

not more than 100km ok!
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