lucky i can vacuum all the sawangness at my blog. so long x update k simpan kat draft jew. nie ade mase leh la post skit2. hurmmm wut i want to share wit all of u? hurmm last weekend i had front office department bowling tournament at south city plaza. around 24 fo staff were there include my bos MR STEVEN ONG...wah so happy and really had fun ok. even though i dunno how to play bowling but still i try my bez and two games i got 2nd high score among my team. the best part is my dundut came and give support to me and make me suprise my dundut wear blue t-shirt coz my team is BLUE colour...thanx B. hurmmm all my team mcm beginner player je so fhm2 je la...dpt no 6 k. the last one...for me its ok. as long i enjoy the game...lets the pictures do teh talking.
syok bergambar sume....
look my bos yg botak pakai baju putih berdiri kat blakang skali tue...
and its end of it... till the next post we meet again k...
Im one of easy going and happy go lucky gurl...with so many frens around me dat alwiz support and encourage me with gud and bad things hehehehe...wut ever it is i love them so much...i love to SMILE 24/7...knoe me first before u judge me ok...
Sekejapan masa berlalu, cuti sekolah dah bermula maka bermula lah sesi baru
tahun persekolah 2025...
Kacang Kuda Tumis dengan Daun Kari
Kunyap-kunyap...hubs feveret...
Kacang kuda...rendam hingga kembang
Kemudian rebus hingga empuk...
*Bahan tumis*
beberapa helai daun ...
Code 455/464
*design raya 2020
*fishtail pelum
*top with front zip
*top with sewing beads
*Mermaid Skirt
*plus size
*M size to 3XL
Measurement in In...
Bila anak mengikut.
Aku memang kalau drive mulut akan bising.
Memanjang je dok mengata kalau kereta lain buat salah.
Bukan reti nak tekan hon ke apa.
Memang daripada dulu perang...
Happy New Year......
Assalammualaikum... Salam Sejahtera kepada anda semua semoga bahagia.
Just can't believe that blog aku masih wujud. Oh my tomyam daging... A new
year, a ...
Babyshop The Curve
*Babyshop* tu nama kedai ok. Yang *SANGAT BEST*. Babyshop ni kira leading
baby store dekat Middle East la, started in Bahrain and lepas tu ke
Light Blue Floral Kimono Top - RM35
*Price : RM35*
*Item Code:* *NJ072*
We love kimono tops, and this loose fitting chiffon kimono top fits most
sizes and is comfortably airy. Great for b...
Doa ketika anak sakit
Anak merupakan harta yang paling berharga untuk hidup kita dan anak juga
merupakan rezeki yg paling besar yang diberikan oleh Allah Swt. Namun ibu
bapa bia...
The Danish Girl (2015)
Full The Danish Girl in Best LookNow you can download full The Danish Girl
in top quality with duration 120 Min and was published in 2015-11-27 with
MPAA ...
*Wear Yourself*
*FREE POSTAGE* for all of you readers with any purchase of 2 items & above
for their very first pre-order batch!
Password: *WEARyour...
Pasal Toujours Advanced Collagen Shots
Oke hai. Berasa sangat terpanggil nak update belog pasal Toujours Advanced
Collagen Shots sebab TERLALU RAMAI yang terpengaruh dan cuba dan puas hati,
*Beach bummers of Malibu Beachwear REJOICE!*
We are now taking orders for the OH-SO-FAMOUS Monokini Crochet Solid &
Bandeau Halter Solid and they ar...
Size 38 boots for sales!
High-cut jelly boots with black lace [TOTALLY NEW! AWESOME QUALITY!]
Size 38
Selling for RM70 including poslaju
(can mix and match with different shoe laces...
Anjakan Paradigma.
Hajat nak buat BLOG baru terLAKSANA jugak. ceritanya buat blog baru tu,
sebab terlupa passsword blog ni, tgh bekpes pagi tadi tetibe teringat lak.
Le Last Day in Paris..
I have to be honest; Paris turned out to be quite a disappointment to me.*
Except for the shopping part.* Before I have the chance to come to Paris,
I'd al...
Turban Ala Nana
Hello! Assalamualaikum.. Akhirnya.. Ramai yang tanya Nana mcm mana saya
pakai atau buat atau lilit turban menggunakan scarf kan? Well, Here u go..
Ada 2 ca...
Contest Untuk Blogger : Jom Tengok Pe3
Siapa disini blogger tegar?
Ada sesuatu menanti anda. Hanya tuliskan apa-apa entri mengenai filem Pe3
dengan tajuk
Entri yang mena...
Pack your bags!
Packing suitcase is fun! Especially for the whole family.. I love
doing check-list. I really do.
My case today, it sucks.
I'll be leaving my boys for gues...
Celebrate Raya 2012 with Style
Been a while since our last post! Apologies for the lack of updates, we are
more active on our Facebook page :) But hey, Raya is just around the corner
Vintage Diva
Material: soft stretchable lace with stretchable japanese silk as lining
Color available: red, champagne and black
Accessories: not availale
Category: lace...
long time no see :-)
hai darling2 sekalian hampie3bulan syiera x update kan..biase ar order
bnyk..nak update blog pn x sempat..sory sgt..kdg2 nak reply pn x sempt..
syiera a...
OMG SALES!!!!!!!
Sales items starting from RM5 and nothing over RM30!!
Click **here** for all OMG SALES ITEMS!!!
First come ...
Tentang AWAK....
*Gambar neh Sy snap sendiri depan mata *
*Awak (Raya 2011*)
Assalamualaikum, hye! Tunggu Sy? Hehe.. Tak sabar yer nk baca entri
Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.....
simple post tuk bulan ni :).......
selamat menyambut bulan puasa....
hahahah bru skrang nk ucap mmg lmbat la aku ni hahaha tkpe2 janji da ucap
btul tk.????
Photoshoot majalah SANTAI
Linda bersama kru majalah Santai..
Baru kejap tadi Linda ke Ulu Yam utk sesi fotografi muka depan majalah
Seronok jugak pergi Ulu Yam ni. Ban...
::My first time handling Cruiseship:::
*24/1/2011 - Cruise ship "Nautica"*
Handling cruiseship bg guide2 tempatan bukan la satu kerja yg mudah.
Sebelum ni pun aku blik2 dengar handle cruise ada...
Move on to believe it :)
agggaaaiinn....baru tergerak hati nak create new post! ;p
bz..super bz with my life + overloaded work during puasa time..
hurm..where shud i begin?
life? ...
Pertukaran Blogspot
Saya sekarang sudah bergelar Saudagar..Alhamdullilah rezeki di bulan
Ramadhan...Blog ni pun saya sudah jarang melawat..agak sibuk sejak d...
Free POSTAGE is still ON !!
*for the whole month of April,*
*we have decided to give free POS EKSPRES for every purchase.*
*and thats not all.*
*for every purchases of 3 items and abov...
GORJES : Spread the Love
Please help me give these clothes another chance to be Gorjes. It's
pre-loved and i guarantee you it's still in good conditions. Y...
APE EH NK JD NGN AKO NEH...???im jobless..xde duet...yg dok ade pon harap
duet owg mum n my bro...tu pon ikot la brape diowg nk kasi...bukan
la ako...
Hot Story
Disini kami bukan mereka cerita semata mata , cerita yang kami ceritakan
ini benar benar belaka . Kami akan tengok gerak geri dan kami akan cerita
disini ,...
treat your needs
Hye hye to Nonoy-B'ians ;)
For a 3rd time,
Nonoy-B by Affluence Creations will open our next booth outlet at :-
FLM Treat Your Needs
at Hartamas Square
Rumah Terbuka Siti Aishah Bujang
Pada 27hb September, 2009 bersamaan dengan 8 Syawal 1430H, bertempat di
rumah no. 196, Jalan Laruh, 93400, Kuching, Aishah telah mengadakan majlis
rumah te...
New Job - Rorago Trading @ Hartamas
i got new job..hehehehe..already resign from Celebrity Fitness...
This in all my new pic in my new Office..hehehhehe...Hope this job will
give me mo...
Our First Bazaar!!!!!
Dear all, pls come to lelong lelong marketplace this 29 august 2009 from
10am-6pm..there will be around 35 booths,so shop till u drop aite! hihi..
and im...
terima kasih
Nampaknya blog sudah sampai masanya untuk berhenti
dari mengemaskini apa-apa entri di sini. Wujudnya blog ini selama 10 mingg...
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