Ok back to the birthday celebration...actually both of them nye birthday dah lps...sorang 21th and sorang 25th i think but kiteorg lupe2 due2 nye birthday skali and Pika lak time tue kat Sabah tgh trainning bola...lupe sgt2 nak wish both of them..sampe aman merajuk dgn sume org...almaklumlah sume dah dok jauh2...so x bp nak igt sgt. bz ddgn activity msg2...so dat nite drg quite suprise and happy gak la coz akhirnye celebrate gak birthday dorg...aman pun x majuk lg...and the bez part afta kiteorg dah abis nyanyi birthday song for both of them..Pika bole tanye..."eh kek nie utk kite ke?" gelak besar sume org afta dgr Pika tanye mc tue...Yes Pika its for both of u...here a few pic to share on the celebration nite...
Sing a birthday song for them...afta finish Pika ask that cute quest...
All of us...dah lame tak kumpul mcm nie huhuhuhuhu...
Everybody missing Zie...Gossip Clan reunion back...
the only guy dat nite...
Zie with Aman & Pika
Ctah and Rudy...
Sya & Wawa...
Both of them...Aman & Pika
Me and Ija...
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