on 8th April 2010...im 1 year older. 2010=24 years old...alamak feel dah tua la pulak. hurmmm nak kene cari calon dah nie...tp ade ke yg nak nie? ade ke yg sudi masuk meminang...xpe la ask my dundut msk meminang la kalu mcm nie...my dundut jgn tgg lame2 ok. nanti terperam lame sgt lak sy nie...hehehehehe. hurmmm pe yg nak cite dlm nie its about my birthday celebration...wahhh very the suweet n romantik gitew...thanx to who ever yg bg idea nak selebret in dat situation k...very appreciate sgt. thanx a lots...hurmmm tis year i feel much more better n feel my birthday coz im celebrate it with happy moment...no more sad2 moment...arggghhhh bende dah lps jgn di kenang kalu bole buat meerana jiwa je...well before my birthday i ade la wat wishlist...mane tau kan jadi kenyataan. nak tau pe my wishlist? walaupun xnak tau tp i nak bg tau gak...hurmmm jap ade 10 tau my wishlist..hurmmm my birthday present wish list...1) E72 2) Red Laptop 3) Red Ixus Camera 4) A dozen of white red roses 5) M.O.N.E.Y 6) Longlasting happiness of me and my family 7) new heels 8) new dress 9) get my curve back (own effort for my own birthday) and last but not least 10) holiday wit my gossip clan...dlm 10 wishlist tue hanye 1 je yg i dpt which is a dozen of white red roses...huhuhuhu neway dapat gak kan. thanx to my dundut coz give me the flower and also a red box wit a set of perfume and lotion. really loike it...thanx alots to everyone on dat nite who were there to celebrate my birthday...really really appreciate it...ok let me share some of the moment dat nite wit u guys...

here my birthday cake...